Dependable power is critical to almost every business, so the choice of an electrical contractor is an important one. It’s all about knowledge. The knowledge gained from deeper and more varied experience than a typical electrical contractor. Knowledge expanded by levels of training and certifications that few electrical contractors can match. Knowledge enhanced by rigorous pre-project research and analysis other companies simply can’t or won’t do.
Your electrical system should be the product of that kind of knowledge. This means they should be designed, installed, and maintained by Faith Enterprises Incorporated.
For nearly 30 years, Faith Enterprises Incorporated has worked diligently to maintain its status as the premiere electrical contractor in the Colorado area. We constantly strive to meet the demands of our clients by providing an extensive array of services to meet their needs now and into the future.

- Government facilities
- Industrial
- Design/Build
- Commercial
- Healthcare, nursing homes & medical facilities
- Schools & education
- Retail
- Office building
- Manufacturing
- Lodging & recreation
- Prefabrication
- 24 hours service/maintenance